Replacement Windows Buying Guide

window wise government rebates

When it’s time to replace old windows or you want to update the look of your home you can use this guide to help you through the process.

Replacement Windows – Energy Efficiency and Value

Replacement windows are a great investment in both the appearance and value of your home. They also pay big dividends from cost savings on the energy efficiency side. Before you decide if replacement windows are the right choice for you, check out out our guide with some helpful tips you should consider before proceeding with your purchase.

Bathroom Renovation for a Small Budget

A bathroom renovation on a small budget may be a necessity, but it also has the ability to bring out creative ideas that tells so much about the owner. That “uniquely you” flair that is attractive and lasts far beyond the latest trend!

Happy Hot Tub Ownership!

hot tub -

We all at times make purchasing decision based on emotion, and in our house emotions were working overtime as we debated “want vs need”. My wife’s eyes are rolling right now as she says “common live a little, a hot tub will bring us closer together”! “Really or one step further away from retirement” I would say (under my breath).