Is It Time To Replace Your Hot Water Tank?

hot_shower/hot water tanks /

Water heating amounts to nearly 20% of most homes energy costs. Installing a new water heater could provide significant energy savings.


New Kitchen Appliance Buying Guide

Kitchen upgrades usually include new kitchen appliances. You can use our kitchen appliance buying guide to insure you make great appliance selections.


Finally, a solution to the dreaded dryer vent

Laundry Room Renovation / Dryer Vent /

I wanted to find a better way of venting the dryer which would allow me to regularly pull it out to clean behind it. I found the Magvent.


The Best New Laundry Room Design Ideas

The best new laundry room designs ideas include many aspects. A fresh, bright multipurpose laundry room is high on the priority list of home shoppers.


Air Conditioner Buying Guide

air conditioner buying guide

A buying guide to help you determine the right choice of your air conditioner needs. The hot summer months will be here soon, plan your cooling needs now!


Outdoor Kitchens: Turning Gourmet Grilling into Entertainment

Outdoor kitchen projects have exploded along with the entire outdoor leisure lifestyle industry. This growth in popularity might suggest that the North American trend of eating out less and entertaining at home more has evolved into… eating out at home. Outdoor kitchens are no longer just a place to barbecue, they have become gathering areas.


Ramp up home efficiency for comfort and savings!

energy efficiency testing for a home

A home energy efficiency audit to understand where you are and target improvements. North American homes need to go on an energy diet and soon, why?


Kitchen Appliance Buying Guide

Kitchen Appliance buying Guide - Kitchen Appliances -

In this appliance buying guide article we will discuss many of the elements you should consider when choosing a major kitchen appliance.


Kitchen Island Design Ideas

expansive marble island with stove top and sink-kitchen island

Kitchen Islands are one of the most popular home updates that you will see in kitchen remodeling today and may be the solution you are looking for.


Kitchen Cabinets – Great Storage Solutions for You

Renovating your kitchen? Or just looking to update and organize your space. Either way there are many solutions help get your kitchen organized.